Wednesday, 29 October 2008

stage 7 - the ears

the ears were created in a very similar was to the front of the head.
1. lines were drawn on the photoshop picture to show the holes and ridges in the ears.
2. the photoshop picture was then re-loaded into the plane
3. the line tool was then used with the snaps, to create the basic shape of the ears.
4. one of the polys was then selected and transformed into an editable poly
5. it was then possible to attach the rest of the polys using the attach tool
6. once this was done the needed to start to take shape, so in the same way as before, the outide vertex were pulled to the side of the ear, and so on.
7. in the same way as before, the next line of vertex were pulled to slightly before the previous ones, and so one.
8. a basic shape was then formed of the ear, but the bumps and holes were not on the ears. using the poly selection (under edit poly), it was important to choose the polys that make up the hole in the ear.
9. choosing the chamfer tool under edit edges, this should then create a box around the polys. some of the boxs are a little messy and have triangles in them, so i used the collapse tool to get rid of these.
10. i then used the in insert poly tool, and pulled the polys back into the ear.
11. i also repeated the process for the hole at the top of the ear.
12. i then selected the edges of the ears, and using swift i pulled these done to creat the round shape of the ears.
13. i had to then creat some backs of the ears, and this was done by using the creat tool under the poly section (but only the tops and bottoms of the backs of the ears.
14. the final thing was to attach the ear to the back of the head. the ear was in the correct place. however as previously mentioned the symetry tool was missing, it was not possible to attach one ear and the computer automatically add the other. so i had to do it by eye, and use the attach tool to add the ears. for the right ear, a mirror tool had to be used to transform the ear, so it looked correct.

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