Thursday, 11 December 2008

problems, corrections and final thoughts.

there were a number of problems that occurred during the project;

the first, as previously mentioned was with the people drinking. the glasses just wouldn't not match the hands. and after trying to move the glass in nearly every frame, i decided to just delete them. originally the scene was much darker and it was very difficult to see them any way.

another problem, was with the cocktail maker, as this seemed to move without the man being there, so this was just a case of moving the key frame down the line a little.

it was a shame about the man in the picture, as we had originally decided to have question marks, but only one member of the group put them on which made it impossible at the end to correct.

the biggest problem i had was with reactor. i had done a trial on a separate document which seemed to work fine, i then followed the same process on the actual document and it didn't seem to work the same. to over come this problem, the only thing i could do was to merge the trial version onto the actual document. this meant that i had to delete two of the lanes and tv, and just adjust the width of them to make them fit.

BIG PROBLEM occured during the trial of putting everything together, it appeared that everyone else's camera was moving from right to left, and mine left to right. although it appeared to look fine going into the next scene, it looked bad going into my scene. the only thing i could think of doing is an alternative (included in the hand in), which doesn't look so good, for the sake of the whole thing.

the lack of communication in the group made things not work out in the best possible way. this is sad, as the project could have been better if we'd worked better together. but all the same, the project looks good, and has been fairly successul.

1 comment:

London Theatre Reviewer said...

I dont know what you mean. We contacted everyone to say when we were coming in. You just chose not to come in with us.